What a difference a day makes!
Niall has left me back to Portlaoise after a lovely peaceful night and a great breakfast. Travelling in a 151 Mercedes. Things are looking up. Its a beautiful morning but cold but that doesnt matter. We are on the final legs everyone is spirits up and looking ahead.
Time for a bit of loud music and leaping and dancing to get the blood up. There is a great presentation to the students this morning and the last few days are behind us now
Left Portlaoise this morning in bitter cold wind and bright sky. Now it's bright sky and beautiful warm sunshine. The road is rolling and the pace is up and everyone is really enjoying the cycling and the banter along the road.
Its not long before we stop for a lunch stop in Tullamore food is scarce but all I can hear is laughter and enjoyment all around. We are all fed and watered and now 500 strong heading off in the sunshine to Mullingar. Rocking!
Mental note to take our cycling group on this route . The roads are lovely and the cycling easy.
Nothing could have prepared us for the welcome into Mullingar. The whole town must have been out. the main street was a throng. Cars honking, whistle blowing and cheering and hand slapping. we have a massive peleton and it completely blocks the main street. So much so that we have to get down and walk. Thats a first! A band is waiting for us and we are all in great form and glad to be here.
Then we have to turn right around and go down the main street again. And again to tumultuous greeting, heading for the local college for food and craic.
Im tired and hungry now and I wish I could just get whisked off to food and a shower. Kim just met me going in and he tells me he has found my homestay couple and he takes me right there. Im so pleased I dont have to wait.
Aidan and Jacqueline are waiting for us. Peter Denehey comes over and he is short of a bed and they agree to take him too. Wonderful people!
So its heading to the homestay for well deserved dinner and relaxation.
Big bedroom, shower and down for a lovely dinner and wine.
Bed by midnight and blog will have to wait.
Night night!
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